Saturday, February 27, 2016


My second Owlcrate arrived about a week ago and I was very pleased with this one!

Lets Begin!

The theme of February was Sci-Fi Love!

Card including information on each item in the box.
(with cute little robot sketches!)

First item listed is the Tote bag.
It is from The Lunar Chronicles series. I love tote bags in general but this one is cute with all the couples from the books. I have not read these, but I always see them on the shelves at stores and want to start them.

Second Item listed is the most adorable Tardis I could own.
This magnetic brooch comes from VectorEngraving on Etsy and they have so many cute products, I just want to buy them all.


The third item is a copy of The Time Machine by H.G. Wells. It comes from a site called Rock Paper Books. They have original works with modernized covers. I'm happy because I know own a copy of The Time Machine and that this site is taking classics and introducing them to a new generation! It also included a discount code for a purchase on the site, so i will be making use of that!

The fourth and final item is the debut Novel of Emily Henry, The Love that Split the World. 
Included with the Novel itself there is  a card with a note from the author and sticker Signed by the author herself! This book catches my attention so much, the cover, the title, and the mix of romance and mystery. I'm very excited to start this book!


Overall I was very happy with this months crate. I feel like i got my monies worth from this one.

Happy Reading!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Natasha Trethewey

I just attended a poetry reading at school with guest Poet, Natasha Trethewey.

I went to this for a few reasons 1. It is part of extra credit for my writing communication class. 2. I had 3 free hours in-between classes. 3. Why Not? No harm came out of listening to a poet recite their work.

I had never heard of Natasha before, but after listening to her story and hearing the emotion in her poems, I am very intrigued to read more from her.

Here are a few links to read a little more on her.

Also the GoodReads link has all of her titles.

I may do some editing on this post, I'm on my way to my next class.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Chapter Chats Instagram

Afternoon everyone!

for those of you who already follow the instagram, Thank You!

for those of you who dont......linky linky!

I have included button now on the side bar of the Blog. There is one for Chapter Chats and one for my personal Instagram.

Please feel free to follow one or the other or BOTH!

Since I started the Instagram for the Book Club, I've really only been including updates for each meeting and pictures of the current books.

I would like to start doing a bit more in addition to those normal posts. The thing is I don't really know what you guys would like to see. I also don't want to post to much to were its going to fill up your feed.

Just let me know what kind of stuff you are interested in Book-wise.

Thanks Ya'll