Thursday, January 28, 2016

Good Reads

I have known about Good Reads for a while now. But have never really used it. I just recently signed up again and I'm Loving it. I have set up a goal for the year. I have challenged my self to read 25 books this year. I have it linked through my facebook and have now downloaded the App. The thing i am excited about on the app is the scanning feature. You can scan the barcode on a book and it will upload it to your account. I like this because i will be somewhere and see a book i like and either take a picture of it or text myself the information but i always seem to lose it. With the app it goes straight to my account. I might actually be able to read all those books i want to read. I also love this site because its your everyday person that is using it, so all the reviews and ratings are accurate (in my opinion). Not just critics reviews. You can't always go by those.
If any of you out there know of other sites or apps similar to this, I'd like to know about them. Do you prefer it over another?

Happy Thursday!

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