Saturday, October 24, 2015

Book Club Blog?

Hey there everyone!

Its Emily.

I would like to make a Book Club Blog.

I know everyone has different social medias that they prefer to view. I have recently deactivated my Facebook for personal reasons. I know we all have emails but how often do we all check them? 
We do have the Chapter Chat Books Instagram, the thing with that is i don't like filling everyone's feed with things they may or may not want to see all the time. (I know i get tired of some of my accounts i follow.)

If I put my time in this Blog I would try to post on it at least 2-3 times a week with Our book club news and other Book related information....New releases, certain Author updates, fun facts and so on.

We can try it for a bit and see if anyone likes it and prefers to get information this way.

I know that this would be something I would be doing in my personal time but I think it could be fun to do something like this, i have always wanted to start a blog but never had a theme or reason to have one.

Please let me know if this may be something you would enjoy and would like me to continue.

I'm going to do a few sampler posts and get a start on this.


- Emily

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